15,50 €
Manufacturer: MINOAS
Store Code: 439519
Ages: 18+ ετών
Βarcode: 9786180225440
MPN: 32858

✷ What can we learn from our children?
✷ How our children can be the best teachers for our development, balance and happiness if we are open to understanding them
and accept them as they are?

Gina G. Thanopoulou, Ed.M., M.A., Harvard University, Counseling Psychologist specializing in dealing with traumatic events in the lives of children, adolescents, parents, couples and families, analyzes in this book the values of Emotional Intelligence they should adopt parents to inspire their children, in a time of multiple challenges, to bring balance, development and happiness into their lives.

What is special about this book is that it is not only based on what parents can teach their children, but what parents can learn from their children about the joy and meaning of life.

Among the key lessons that the psychologist-author focuses on is that parents must understand that they are the Mirrors of their children, as children "do what their parents do and not just what they say." In this way, parents can better determine their behavior, morals and future development, in order to improve their own lives initially but also to ensure a balanced life for their children.

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